Saturday, December 26, 2015

Pet Rescues and Christmas Pets

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France

Pippin & Spritzen with their Olaf jackets.
Photo By Tracey R. Simmons 2015
Who gave a puppy, kitten, dog or cat to someone else as a “Christmas present?” Who received some sort of fuzzy pet as a “gift” this Christmas? I hope that anyone who received a pet as a gift this Christmas season realizes these fuzzy babies should be treated as cherished members of the family, to be loved throughout his or her life.

Dogs and cats can give unconditional love to us humans, which is a quality we humans have yet to learn. Sure we can love, but we don’t have the unconditional part figured out. There is nothing like a dog who is overjoyed to see you when you come home - tail wagging, toothy grin, and paws springing up and down with that joy. As for cats, there is something relaxing and soothing when a kitten or cat sits on your lap purring with contentment and love, all the while “kneading dough” or “making muffins” on your leg or belly.

Occasionally, when one has a fuzzy family member, life will throw a hurdle, such as serious illness/injuries, lose of job/income, or some other major difficult, into your path which makes keeping your fur-buddy impossible. If you have to deal with such trouble, being a responsible loving human means finding a new home or a pet rescue to take in your furry friend. (Some people aren’t as caring towards their pets. Instead they dump the pet out onto the streets, or drive to the country where they dump him or her out. Either way, it leaves that fur baby struggling to understand and survive.)
Pippin Elf-Dog and Spritzen Claus.
Photo By Tracey R. Simmons

 As mentioned in a post - Let The Playtime Begin...Chihuahua Playtime, Santa came early bringing a new best buddy to Miss Pippin O’Chi and me. This new fuzzy family member has been officially named: Spritzen Nala O’Chi, or Spritzen for short. I want to thank the couple that had to make the difficult decision to give her up and for getting her into a rescue.

 Back in June, I lost my beloved Koda (see June post – Life Isn’t Always Fair!). I want the couple to know that Spritzen Nala O’Chi squirmed, wiggled, and snuggled her way into my heart overnight; and that she is very much loved by this human and by Pippin. It’s amazing how the heart can feel so very broken in one moment in life that it feels it will never heal, but a few months later and in another moment in life, two little Chihuahuas can bring healing, lots of laughter, and pure love & joy.

Photo By Tracey R. Simmons 2015

The following is list of some rescues that I am 
familiar with and their links:
Fur Keeps Animal Rescue                                

When I lost Koda, I was angry at and felt betrayed by God, and let Him know it. (He isn’t going to strike anyone down with a bolt of lightning for being honest.) I’ve come to believe this - I don’t think it’s always about our knowing why God allows bad things to happen. I think it’s about our not getting stuck – meaning we go on living life, because no matter what, life will go on, and we might as well be a part of it - living each day to the fullest!


  1. Thank you do much for taking and loving my sweet little Nala.. This post was the best possible surprise.. She looks and content with her new buddy "Pippin"... Lots of Love Janet Smith ��

    1. She is soooo loved! She dances for me. I am working on getting her to do it on cue. Since she was our Christmas baby, I got her a Lupine Christmas collar and step-in-harness to wear all year round. Thank you for reading my blog and making a comment. Thank you for Spritzen Nala O'Chi's love for us.

  2. Tracy you truly make my heart happy for I cried for a week over that decision, If ever possible I would love to come and visit, Janet ...

  3. We will work something out. I know what it is like to have to give up an animal. It happened twice when I was a child...Tracey
