Saturday, December 12, 2015

Let The Playtime Begin...Chihuahua Playtime

Tree dedicated to the love of
cats and dogs who bring so
much love into ours lives.
Photo by Tracey R. Simmons
Miss Pippin O'Chi has been trying to play with Haley, the mischievious black cat, who outweighs her by around seven pounds. Pippin just wants to play, but Haley unsheathes her claws on Pippin's face. Haley had loved Koda, holding him down to give him baths, but she hasn't warmed to Pippin as much.

With Christmas just around the corner, Santa came early to the Little Bit of Paradise Farm.  A shy little female chihuahua, who was in a rescue, has come home to be Pippin's playmate. She is tan and brown, with some black across her back and sides. She is about the same size - length wise as Pippin, but she is a little heavier.

The little girl was named Nala, but this brings up images of the Lion King, so another name is being sought. If you have any suggestions, please leave a comment. Some thoughts already are: Sprizt'la O'Chi and Skittles O'Chi.

Nala on the left and Pippin O'Chi on the right.
Photo by Tracey R. Simmons 2015

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