Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year's Resolutions Vs. Just Making Goals

Making New Year's Resolutions is something that goes back thousands of years. It is not a tradition that I do. This year I am going to make goals to accomplish this new year.

Pippin and Spritzen playing tug-of-war.
Photo by Tracey R. Simmons 2015

1st goal - to laugh more. I believe that Pippin and Spritzen will be very involved with this goal. Undoubtable, they will have me laughing with their playfulness and joy of having each other as best buddies throughout this year.

2nd goal - to get my honeybee hives going. When I started this adventure in 2013, I created a nice area for the hives to sit, but they are close to the road. I had trouble from day one. Nobody who knew anything about honeybee keeping could figure out what was causing the troubles and loss. A non-bee keeping friend thought that maybe by being near the road, the hive deaths were from carbon monoxide. I was told carbon monoxide stays low, and my hives sit lower than the roadway. I will be moving the hives back a lot further. With the move, here's hoping I became a beekeeper! This has been a long time dream!!
2013 Honeybee Hive set up - flowers filled in around the pavers.
Photo by Tracey R. Simmons 2013
3rd goal - expanding my flower beds. With the help of two people, my green thumb gets greener every year. I have learned to start my own flowers and vegetables. My flower beds are filling in each year. My plan is to have all space in the following picture filled with perennial flowers touching one another, choking out all weeds.
Purple/Pink Flower Bed.
Photo by Tracey R. Simmons 2014
4th goal - start a jar of good experiences. On FB, I have read about getting a canning jar and writing the good things that happen throughout the year. Then, at the end of the year, you open it and read all the little slips of paper, reminding yourself of all the good the year held and being thankful.

5th - to send out children's books I've written to publishers. I have dragged my feet on doing things after having a very negative experience. I am not going to let those who wanted to cause harm to keep me from accomplishing a dream that I believe God gave me. With God, all things are possible!

What are your goals for this new year? Share them here, and Happy New Year.

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