Saturday, January 21, 2017

Take a Look at Nature's Charm and Critters on Our Farm - January 15th - 21st, 2017

In areas of the Midwest, rain has saturated the ground, more than I have ever seen while living at this home in the country. This means mud, glorious mud - Not. Mud creates muddy paws & paw prints, muddy shoes & boots, muddy ruts from vehicles getting stuck - mud, mud everywhere. The storms also blew down a giant beech tree, which has created a mess of its own, but thankfully nothing was damaged by it.

I have included pictures of the two inside cats - Haley, the black, mischievous cat, and Gracie, the Grey, who is quiet & shy fifteen year old kitty. Of course, I have to include some pictures of some of the chickens, and just some of nature's beauty.

All pictures are copyrighted © to Tracey R. Simmons,
creator of Paws4Hearts Rescue, 2017.

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