Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Mistletoe Secret by Richard Paul Evans

Dear Universe,
Is anyone out there?

Thinking no one is reading, a blogger who calls herself LBH writes about her most personal feelings, especially her overwhelming loneliness. She goes from day to day showing a brave face to the world while inside she longs to know how it would feel if one person cared about her.

Alex Bartlett cares. He’s reading her posts in Daytona Beach, Florida. Nursing his own broken heart and trust issues, he finds himself falling for this sensitive, vulnerable woman whose feelings mirror his own. Following a trail of clues LBH has inadvertently revealed, he discovers that she lives in the small town of Midway, Utah. He makes his way there just after Thanksgiving, determined to find LBH. Maybe she’s a Lisa, Lori, or a Luanne. Instead, he finds a woman named Aria, a waitress at the Mistletoe Diner, who encourages Alex in his search while serving his pie along with some much-needed sympathy and companionship.

Alex finally finds his LBH, a woman who is as beautiful and kind as he imagined she would be. How can he tell her that he knows her secret? What’s holding him back? Could it be his feelings for Aria?

Publised November 15, 2016 by Simon & Schuster

My Review: This is Mr. Evan's third book with Mistletoe in the title, but these books are not a series. They are books about people being hurt and needing to find true love, although with hurdles along the paths they walk.

I find it interesting to find a guy who can write such wonderful, clean heartfelt romance books. My experience shows that guys just do not get the romance stuff, even if it is something as simple as pulling off the side of the road to pick wildflowers. That being said, I did enjoy this book.

Mr. Evan's writing pulled me right into the situations going on. I feel like a silent person within the story, sitting off a short distance away watching and feeling the highs and lows the characters go through. 

Mr. Evan's has written another great romance centered around the Christmas season. I recommend turning on the Christmas tree lights, getting comfy with a cozy blanket wrapped around you, and start reading.

I give it four and three-quarters Paws Up. I did not give it a full five, because I throughly enjoyed his The Mistletoe Inn even better. (I use "Paws Up" instead of stars or thumbs up for my rating scale. Five Paws Up is the best rating.) 

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