Saturday, November 12, 2016

A Baxter Family Christmas by Karen Kingsbury

Two sorrowful years have passed since the terrible car accident that took the life of John Baxter's daughter, Erin, along with her husband and three of their four daughters. But this year John has invited a stranger for dinner - Kendra Bryant, the transplant recipient who now has Erin's heart.

In light of her father's idea, Ashley and her brother Luke don't think it's right. They want to protect their ten-year-old niece, Amy - the only surviving member of the accident. But John is determined and believes meeting this woman is something his deceased daughter would want.

At the same time, Maddie West, the eighteen-year-old daughter of Brooke Baxter West, is praying for meaning this Christmas. Could she find it in a newfound friendship with a boy she never expected to see again? Maddie believes in miracles, especially at Christmastime, but this is a stretch even she can't imagine.

Meanwhile, Kendra Bryant has been struggling these past few years to find meaning in the tragedy that gave her a second chance. She believes this invitation to see the Baxters and witness their unwavering faith in God can instill hope and happiness back into her life.

Heartwarming and touching, filled with love and hope, A Baxter Family Christmas brings together two families in the aftermath of a tragedy and in the midst of an unfolding love story, all with the help of one very special child.

Publisher:  Published October 25th 2016 by Howard Books

My Review:  I have not read any of Karen Kingsbury books before, so I have no history to rely on for the Baxter family, who have appeared in multiple books. Despite this, Karen provides a section, at the beginning of the book called The Baxter Family Yesterday and Today. This helps a new comer to learn about the characters. I had to refer to this section several times while reading the first four chapters to get the characters sorted out, so that I could eventually follow along.

My only complaint is with chapters five and six. It is Thanksgiving day with two families celebrating Thanksgiving. Both families live in Bloomington, Indiana. With one family the weather is in the high 60's, temperture wise. Later in the evening with the other family, one character is looking at the snowy backyard. Living in Indiana, I am well aware of how quickly the snow can melt in high 60 degree weather; plus it is unusual for there to be much snow at this time of the year, especially in Bloomington. This is an inconsistency that should have been caught and I fixed during editing.

Karen's writing pulls you right into the book, allowing you to enjoyed getting to know the Baxter and Flanigan families during the holidays. You, also, learn about the sensitive subject of organ donors, the person who died, the recipient of the organ(s), and how it affects the families involved. 

Turn on the Christmas lights, snuggle under a nice blanket, and read this book. I give it Four and a Half Paws Up.  (I use "Paws Up" instead of stars or thumbs up for my rating scale. Five Paws Up is the best rating.)

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