Saturday, November 21, 2015

Have Your Basic Needs Been Met?

There are some people who feel like they’re jumping from one frying pan into another when it comes to hurdles along life’s path. Maybe you’re one of them. It may seem like no matter how hard you try to stay upbeat, keep a stiff upper lip, think positive, or whatever expression one wants to use, life keeps throwing you to the ground. You continue getting up and trudging along, putting on a brave front; but inside you wonder: where is God; what’s the reason you seem to get more hurdles thrown in front of you; and why, oh, why can’t life smooth out like it seems to be for others?!

In difficult times, maybe you’ve tried talking to a family member or friend, but they don’t understand while giving the “It could be worse” or “When one door or window closes, God will open another” responses. Yes, it could be worse, but it could be a whole lot better too! In addition, you’ve seen a window or door open a tiny bit, just enough to give you hope, but then slammed closed with such force your breath is sucked away, leaving you bewildered.

Recently, I heard someone say something that was so simple and made a great deal of sense – “Did you have what you needed to get through this day, enough to meet your basic living needs for the day?” The answer was yes. “Be thankful for that and just deal with one day at a time!”

God provides for this HoneyBee.
Photo by Tracey R. Simmons 2015

                            During this Thanksgiving season, what are you thankful for?

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