Friday, April 10, 2020

April Showers Children's Read Aloud

Hello! It has been awhile since I have made a post. I am adding a link to allow you to view a read aloud of children's book author George Shannon. The book is April Showers.

To all the children who have told me that you cannot picture or see a movie in your mind as you read. First of all, I've always known that you've had the ability, but I needed to find a way to help you tap into your ability. I have thought and thought about this statement made to me, and just last week I had a "a-ah" moment that I believe will help you. I want you to know that you can create movies and see pictures in your mind, because you do it whenever you are dreaming while asleep. You may not always remember every dream, but you dream every night. Those dreams are the movies YOUR mind is making. I want to encourage and to help you understand that you do have this amazing ability. You just need to BELIEVE in yourself and your ability! Then, you need to practice by reading, even if it is just a few pages each day. As you read, stop for a moment and make a picture in your mind about something on that last page you just read. Read some more, and make pictures, make them move inside your mind. Each time you read, you'll get better at seeing the things you're reading about in your mind, and before long it will be a movie playing in your mind as you read. In addition, you'll remember more about the book.                                                                                                                        (To parents/guardians/adults - as you see from the above, this video was done without using pictures from the book on purpose. It is to help children, who view this, to learn to make a movie in their minds from the books they are reading. Lots of children struggle with this, and hopefully this will help them see how I pictured it, and therefore created the video for them to see. In addition, I hope to bring smiles and laughter during this difficult time our world is facing with the covid19 situation.)                                                                                                           

Therapy Dog - Pippin O'Chi
This read aloud video features my therapy dog, Pippin O'Chi and her adopted sister, Spritzen Nala O'Chi. Spritzen is the one who dances in the video. Both are from rescues. Pippin has done "Read With Me" a Pet Partners program where therapy animals listen to children read. Spritzen is timid when out in public. She was originally rescued by a loving couple who took her out of a situation where she was living in a crate, never seeing the outdoors, for months. Spritzen's story of my adopting her is on this blog as well. That loving couple had such love that they gave her up, despite the heartache it brought, as they were dealing with a family member's health issues. We've since become friends, because God works in mysterious ways sometimes, and they were led to that blog post.   

Spritzen Nala O'Chi
Again, I hope you enjoy this video read aloud, and that it brings many smiles and much laughter. I also hope it helps all children struggling with reading, helping them to want to read. Reading can take you to wondrous places and into many adventures.

Video: April Showers Read Aloud Video

You can find out more about author George Shannon at:

Music bits were from QUEEN and Brian May was gracious enough to give permission. You can read more about QUEEN at:

QUEEN members with websites:
Brian May's website:
Roger Taylor's website:
Freddie Mercury's website:

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