Saturday, June 24, 2017

Take a Look at Nature's Charm & Critters on Our Small Farm - June 24, 2017

Bee balm, coneflowers, phlox, and lilies are blooming - early. My favorite - red Lucifer Crocosmias is starting to bloom, but not full yet. It is a wonderful time to take photographs. I took a great picture of one of my honeybees on my flowers.  In addition, I snapped a photo of Spritzen Nala O'Chi lying under her cartoon dog - dog bed. She'd flipped it upside down and decided it was a great place for a nap. I found turtles while picking up wood, with the bigger turtle probably having its life flash before its eyes while being carried by me. In defense, she/he was trying to bite, but got a pleasant surprise when I popped black raspberries in its mouth. Enjoy!!

All pictures are copyrighted © to 
Tracey R. Simmons, creator of Paws4Hearts Rescue, 2017.

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