Saturday, February 18, 2017

Take a Look at Nature's Charm and Critters on Our Farm February 12th - 18th, 2017

I purchased The Chicken Spinner for The Hens Nest Inn Girls (my chickens). I managed to make a video, but you will have to click the Youtube link to view it. I hope you enjoy watching the girls with their new toy, which provides treats and entertainment to them. It is entertaining to humans as well. The first day I put it out, the wind was blowing really hard, which blew the spinner around, scaring the girls. Most have managed to get over their fear of it, in other words have gotten over being chicken chickens. 

Click to view The Hens Nest Inn Girls playing with the Chicken Spinner:

A Black Australorp's Feather
© Photo by Tracey R. Simmons 2017

Photobombed by Black Australorp
© Photo By Tracey R. Simmons 2017

Click here to find out more about The Chicken Spinner:

All pictures and videos are copyrighted © to Tracey R. Simmons,
creator of Paws4Hearts Rescue, 2017.

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