Saturday, October 15, 2016

Organic Peanut Butter Helps With Dog's Nail Trimming

Organic Peanut Butter
on a Spoon.
Paws 4 Hearts Photo 2016
I wouldn't think that a 7.6 pound dog would be able to keep humans fifteen times or more bigger than her from trimming her nails, but Spritzen Nala O'Chi is able to do it. For me, I know how stress can be detrimental on an animal's health. Stress can cause an animal to have a stroke, and this was always on my mind as Spritzen Nala struggled and fought against having her nails trimmed.

Spritzer Nala has white nails, which makes trimming easier, because I can see the pink quick, and avoid it. When a dog is struggling, kicking, crying, and flipping her head this way and that, about the time I'd see the nail, get the clipper over it, ready to trim, that foot has moved, and I've lost the chance to trim that nail.

I found one way that worked - give Spritzen Nala natural dental chews, but it took two per foot. That was a lot going into her belly, so I had to find another way.
A Stress-free Spritzen Nala O'Chi
snuggled in her favorite blanket.
Photo by Tracey R. Simmons
October 2016

An "Ah-haa Moment" came when I remembered how dogs love peanut butter. I buy organic peanut butter, which I refrigerate. Cold peanut butter is firmer - you have to let it sit at room temperature  for a litte bit to get it to spread on bread. This means it will take longer to lick it off a spoon.

At last, a healthy, stress free solution for dog nail trimming - they lick peanut butter off a spoon, while you trim quickly. The only thing is you can't just lay the spoon on the floor - it will scoot away as they try to lick. If you don't have another human to help, you will have to hold the end of the spoon in your mouth. As the dog licks the peanut butter, you can trim. This may seem like a goofy thing to do, but it does work. You and your dog will have a much lower stress level.

Note: as the peanut butter warms, you and the dog maybe wearing some of it, but that's just a small problem compared to a dog whose nails are too long. Happy trimming!

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