Saturday, August 6, 2016

Newest Chickens Being Named

Pecky Sue
Photo by Tracey R. Simmons
August 2016
The Hens Nest Inn” newest girls either have names or will have one when they get a colored leg band on, so that they can be identified with a particular name. This means, we can’t tell them apart from the others - Black Australorps or Rhode Island Reds, because they have no distinguishing markings or personality to set them apart. More names came to mind or were suggested than we had chicks, so some will be put in reserve for when new chicks come.

The first to get a name was Pecky Sue, a Rhode Island Red. There is some old song titled Peggy Sue, which was part of the inspiration. The other part was this chick liked to peck on me. This started back in June.

The second to be named was a Black Australorp whose tail feathers go down rather than up. She was the first of the Australorps to become friendly – allowing me to pet her and taking food from my hand. She was first called Onyx, which has now become Onyx O’Peeps, since it was decided we wanted fun names for the chicks.
Onyx O'Peeps
Photo by Tracey R. Simmons
August 2016

Annie Yolkley
Photo by Tracey R. Simmons
August 2016

Annie Yolkley
Photo by Tracey R. Simmons
August 2016

The youngest and smallest Rhode Island Red chick became Annie Yolkley. She seems to be having bad feather days, or if it is possible, she has a cowlick in her feathers. Her back feathers don’t lie over her tail feathers. You can see this in the following two pictures.

Amelia Egghart
Photo by Tracey R. Simmons
August 2016
One Black Australorp’s ear lobes just recently changed from red to white, so she is Amelia Egghart. She was the second Australorp to realize being petted wasn’t so bad after all.

 The biggest Black Australorp is also the most chicken chicken of them all. This means she is afraid of being touched - still. She is now Darth Nester. Although, she frightens easily, she was making a sound the other day, and had her tail feathers fully fluffed out when a hawk was flying overhead screeching. I think it was a warning sound. It was nothing I’d heard from a chicken before.
Darth Nester
Photo by Tracey R. Simmons
August 2016

That leaves three without a name at this time, but one of the following will be used: Miss Cluckingsworth, Miss Eggs-a-lot, Chick Norris, Scarlet O’Henny, Dolly Cluckton, Oprah Peepfrey, or Peepy Longstocking. I am leaning towards Chick Norris and Scarlet O’Henny for two of them.

If you have any fun chicken names you would like to suggest, please leave a comment. Thanks for reading!

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