Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Animals Can Teach You

Spritzen, Pippin, and Deaf Dog Hope
Photo by Tracey R. Simmons 2016
Job 12:7-10 For ask now the animals, and they will teach you; ask the birds of the air, and they will tell you; Or speak to the Earth and it will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who not to recognize in all these that it is God’s hand which does it. In His hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind. (Amplified Bible)
Pippin O'Chi
Photo by Tracey R. Simmons 2016

Animals give me life and have taught me many things. God has given me a love for animals that many people do not understand, and that others have made fun of me for, but that is how God made me.

I know animals are important to God. He created them first. And to those Christians who have told me that God was just practicing before creating humans, think about this: Why would God need to practice? He is God!

This coming Tuesday, June 28th, it will be one year since I lost my beloved Koda suddenly and unexpectedly at just four years old. It has taken time to heal, and Pippin O’Chi had all four of her paws in that healing process for me. She has snuggled with me, licked away hurts, and played & been goofy making me laugh.

Then, in December, we added Spritzen Nala O’Chi to the pack. She makes a wonderful playmate, big sister, and toy stealer to Pippin. She is concerned when Pippin has to have a bath – watching the process, and then checking Pippin all over after she has been dried. Spritzen also makes sure Pippin’s ears are clean.

Spritzen Nala O'Chi and Pippin O'Chi playing tug with one
Spritzen's toys.
Photo by Tracey R. Simmons 2016
What a pair they make, and I love them both dearly!!

Pippin O’Chi turned a year old on March 15, 2016.  We are still dealing with her immune system. Her fur is still thin, but she no longer has sores.

The problem we have put off for as long as possible because of her immune system is her teeth. Not all her baby teeth came out. We waited because we didn’t want to tax her immune system with a surgery, but it can’t wait any longer. Next Wednesday, June 29th, one year and one day after losing Koda, Pippin is scheduled to have the surgery needed to remove all those baby teeth.

Spritzen won’t know what to think with Pippin being gone for the day. They have never been separated before. When Spritzen had to go to the vet for shots, Pippin came with her; helping Spritzen deal with her fears.

This surgery is troubling to me. I know that I should just pray and give it all up to God – my own fears for Pippin’s wellbeing through the surgery, but I am going to ask for your help as well, to add your prayers for Pippin to get through the surgery without complications - Matthew 18:19-20 says: Again I tell you, if two of you on earth agree about whatever they may ask, it will come to pass and be done for them by My Father in heaven. For wherever two or three are gathered in My name, there I Am in the midst of them.

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