Saturday, March 5, 2016

Rural King, Tractor Supply, and other Farm Stores Are Not Being Cruel

In agricultural areas, there are various farm stores selling farming and farm animal care supplies. They also sell various baby fowl, such as chicks. It has come to my attention that some people who know little about animal care have visited these stores when they have chicks and accused the employee caregives of being cruel when they see no food with the chicks.
Photo by Tracey R. Simmons 2016
As a former trained and licensed wildlife rehabilitation, I know the importance of proper hydration in animals. I also know the detrimental affects of dehydration - how it can kill animals, especially baby animals. If an animal came in dehydrated, they couldn't be given food right away. Time and much care has to be given to get the animal hydrated. Feeding an animal that is not properly hydrated can cause a painful death. They will suffer greatly before the end comes.

This is to educate those people who think the farm store employees are being cruel because the chicks have no food, just have water. The employee caregivers are working to rehydrate the chicks who have just arrived after being shipped for at least 24 hours without food or water. These chicks are newly hatched and can survive, for this shipping time, on the nutrients they received from being in the egg.

The newly received chicks need several hours, approximately 3-4 hours, to rehydrate with just water. Electrolytes added to the water is a major benefit. Once the chicks are hydrated, they can be given food.

What happens if the chicks are not rehydrated when they arrive? Proper hydration is essential for health, and it is something the intestines need to keep everything moving in a healthy manner. Dehydration will cause constipation. In a chick, they will get a "paste butt." You will see the poo stuck to their hind-end. This is like a glue that closes them up - backing up their intestines. This is painful and will cause death if not treated quickly and correctly. 

Stupidity can kill. Be educated - The chick caregiver is not being cruel. They are working to keep each chick alive, so this is the reason these chicks are only given water when they first arrive. Within a few hours these same chicks will be given food.

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