Monday, July 6, 2015



When promising high school basketball player Eric “Hoovey” Elliott collapses on the court, doctors discover a life-threatening brain tumor. Hoovey will survive the high-risk surgery, but at what cost? Can he relearn to walk, read, even to see clearly? The road is long, and meanwhile overwhelming medical bills threaten to undo everything his parents, Jeff and Ruth, have taken a lifetime to build. With seemingly no one to turn to—but with tenacity and love born of faith—an entire family regains its footing. Hoovey learns to read again, to dribble and shoot a basketball and, finally, stepping out in faith, he’s back on court for another shot at his dream . . .
  • DIRECTED BY: Sean McNamara
  • WRITTEN BY: Howie Klausner
  • STARRING: Patrick Warburton, Lauren Holly, Cody Linley, Alyson Stoner

My Review

This is based on a true story. Eric loves sports, but loves playing basketball more than any other sport. When a brain tumor threatens his life and his dreams, how will he handle the difficulties? This story is about how a family can love one another and be there for each other no matter what. It is about when one person is feeling low,  how another person can say or do something that makes a positive difference.

This movies is out on DVD. It has the Dove "Family-Approved" Seal for all ages.

I recommend HOOVEY to anyone wanting to watch an inspiration story of overcoming life's obstacles. Since my blog will have a lot of animal information/stories, I am going to use Paws Up instead of stars or thumbs up for my rating scale. Five Paws Up will be the best rating. I give this movie 5 Paws Up.

Hoovey - Official Trailer

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